Come to our events, apply for funding or develop a project bid with us, or get up to date with our latest news
We host various events to bring together researchers, stakeholders, charities, NGOs and affected groups like patients, members of the public and others interested in tackling gender inequality together. You can find details here or on our Eventbrite page or get in touch to make a suggestion or ask a question.
We host regular lunchtime research discussions for academics and others, which take place in a hybrid format, online, and in person at the University of Birmingham, to discuss emerging research projects and early findings and to generate new ideas and collaborations. Some sessions are recorded and recordings may be shared, depending on the nature and content of the session.

Upcoming Lunchtime Research Discussions​
5th December 2023 - Embedding Participant Lived Experience with Dr Lauren McCarthy, City University of London and Dr Sophie King-Hill, University of Birmingham
Previous Monthly Research Discussions​​
20th July 2023 - Exploring the impacts of early marriage on young women in India
9th June 2023 - Anti-Carceral Feminism and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
20th April 2023 - Reflecting on Gender, Peace & Security in the Northern Mozambique Conflict
17th April 2023 - Abortion Post Roe v Wade - what is the role of research? (Part 2)
27th March 2023 - Violence Against Women & Girls: perspectives on funding, challenges and opportunities
6th December 2022 - Abortion and the International Repercussions of Roe vs Wade - Human Rights Day special
8th November 2022 - Ethics in research through a gendered and feminist lens and considering changes over time
6th September 2022 - ​Best practice in education, understanding and support for FGM
20th June 2022 ​- Integrating women’s health services to support contraceptive choices
10th May 2022 - Service provision for survivors of sexual violence in the UK and in Kenya
If you'd like to discuss any of these events or find out more, get in touch.

Theme Funding
Currently closed

The easiest way to keep up to date with the Gender Equality group's activity is by signing up to our monthly newsletter which features dozens of funding opportunities, events and activities of relevance for the theme and opportunities to work with us. Previous newsletters are available below. Subscribe here.