We are fortunate to work with partners who share our ambition for a fairer, safer, and more equitable world. This includes impactful organisations across the UK, Europe, South America, and multiple countries across the African continent. The organisations we work with range from well-known multinationals to grassroots charitable and community groups to enable us to reach and listen to those directly affected by gender discrimination meaningfully and at scale. We also partner with many academic institutions globally to build expert and highly-regarded multidisciplinary teams.
Examples of our impactful partnership working include:
Tommy’s – with whom we have recently been awarded >£2.5 million to continue the work of the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research (which Prof Arri Coomarasamy and Dr Adam Devall are Directors of), until 2026. Through this collaboration, Maternal Health researchers have also had a significant influence on policy, leading to changes in NICE guidelines on ectopic pregnancy (NG126), and Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology guidelines for miscarriage, and contributing to the forthcoming UK Government Women’s Health Strategy.
Oxfam GB – members of our Women's Political Participation and Digital Innovation & GBV workstreams have co-authored several academic and policy publications with Oxfam GB, that are due to be published imminently.
WHO Maternal Health Unit (MHU) – we act as a reference centre, providing evidence on current best practice across maternity care in global settings as part of our role as a WHO Collaborating Centre.
Our partnerships and projects reach across the globe. We've mapped some of our work below and noted the 2018 Gender Inequality Index (GII) ranking of each country as well as the key partner organisation(s) in each location.

We are extremely grateful to all of the funders who support our work. Our projects often receive seed-corn or pilot funding from the University of Birmingham Institute of Global Innovations, which enables us to test the principles and effectiveness of our approach before work is scaled up. Our large-scale projects receive support from sources including UK Research Councils, major philanthropic organisations, Government sources and others.